Success isn’t measured by how much you make, there is a lot more involved in the equation. Some of the most successful business personas failed to make money in their first few years, many struggled throughout their venture. The odd few landed with their bum in the butter, but for the most part it takes blood, sweat, and tears.
According to studies and interviews of some of the most successful people in business like Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, and Jeff Bezos all have several things in common. Whether this is what makes them successful or not is up to you to determine, but it’s worth thinking about.
Maybe you want to audit your own success and see if you can put any of these into practice and adopt these guidelines for your business.
Successful business owners are:
- Process orientated
These heavy-weights understand efficiency and the necessary processes that not only influence output but also the work environment and the company culture. They put processes in place to help establish, grow and develop the business.
Internal processes that work smoothly and help with communication make for a better work environment where everyone is onboard and knows their role in the business and how it fits into the overall operations.
Processes involved in customer service and product development are also a high priority, after all the customer is who supports your business at the end of the day.
Successful business owners are always looking to improve processes and look for opportunities to make things more efficient.
- Self-reflective
They are not afraid of criticism. They reflect on themselves and the business; regularly and vigorously auditing both. It’s no use thinking you have all the answers and can go it alone. Reflection requires input and an objective opinion. Having mentors and other people speak into the business, and reflecting on successes and failures allows for the kind of reflection that looks to solve and improve.
Successful business owners don’t like blind spots, they want to be aware of their weaknesses and strengths and how their specific skills can contribute to the business. Being open to criticism makes them humble, teachable and allows them to constantly move forward.
- Fail courageously
Entrepreneurs and business owners are known for being gutsy. They are the risk takers and the go-getters. And it’s not because they are naïve to failure and bumps in the road but because they don’t worry so much about it. They don’t avoid failure, they embrace it and see it as part of the journey.
Successful business owners expect failure and prepare for it. They know it’s going to come but they aren’t complacent about it. They learn from it, hurt from it and move on. They carry courage on their side and keep moving forward, finding solutions for short-comings.
- Find an audience to serve
There is a clear knowledge of who their products and services can help. They understand their audience inside out, with a deep understanding of their biggest challenges and pain points. After all, they seek to solve those problems and provide the best solution.
Successful business owners are like ‘business psychologists’. They have understood their audience and have set out to serve them in the best way possible.
Success doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice, and effort, at the end of the day that says, ‘I will try again tomorrow’. Don’t measure your success purely by the amount of money in the business bank account, or the size of your business. Measure it by how you develop as an individual, by your capacity to be courageous, and your attitude towards your customers.